Under sanctions, Myanmar's economy crumbling

31 December 2007

Sunday, December 30, 2007 12:39:45 PM Oman Time

YANGON –– Myanmar's already battered economy is groaning under the weight of new sanctions following a crackdown on dissent, business leaders say, fueling concerns that the hardships could spark more protests.

The United States, the European Union and Australia slapped tougher sanctions on Myanmar's military regime in the wake of the bloody suppression of pro-democracy protests in September.

A UN investigator found that at least 31 people were killed when soldiers opened fire on the peaceful protests, which were led by Buddhist monks in Yangon and other cities around Myanmar, formerly known as Burma.

The country has been under a patchwork of sanctions for years, but the latest measures have blocked access to US financial institutions and made it more difficult to export Myanmar's highly desired teak and precious stones.

The US sanctions have targeted specific companies and business leaders, noteably the flamboyant tycoon Tay Za, who is close to the top military leadership.


In Burma, Fever of War

View full article and comments here

By Robert Semeniuk
Published: December 26, 2007

"Sweat runs off the faces of the two boys, 17 and 20 years old, who crouch in the front trench with us. After each shell hits, they strain their eyes to see through the dust, and over the logs piled in front of the trench to prevent grenades from rolling inside of it, and shoot blindly down the hill, where the Burmese soldiers are. After the chaos and paralyzing panic comes the eerie silence between artillery barrages and machine-gun fire. This morning, five Karen soldiers were killed and nine injured."

I wrote this in 1988, after walking for days in the jungle, up and down steep hills, with a group of young Karen soldiers heading to fight the Burmese military.


September Massacre in Burma

26 December 2007

[Original Source - MoeTheeZun's blog]

The brutality of Burmese junta can be seen in this video taken during the crackdown on the recent September uprising where many people lost their lives.

A Journey from Rangoon to Mae Sot on the Thai-Burma Border: Burma is Not Back to Normal

25 December 2007

[Original Source Link]

A small Buddhist Peace Fellowship delegation went to Burma to bear witness to the suffering of the people following the brutal crackdown by the Burmese military at the end of September on monks and the people of Burma. We wanted to communicate the support and solidarity of the international community with the people of Burma, and to be a voice for the voiceless by sharing with our communities on return. Our communities had expressed their concerns and given generously, and we offered the donations to various groups to let them know that the rest of the world deeply cares about Burma. We wanted to explore channels for future further support inside Burma, as well as finding ways to support the monks in exile.

The participants included two people from Thailand including a socially engaged Buddhist monk, Hozan Alan Senauke, a Zen priest and from Buddhist Peace Fellowship USA, and Jill Jameson from Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Australia. Jill has worked with people from Burma since 1994 facilitating grassroots leadership training, peace building and conflict transformation.


Exiles Considering Formation of New Government in Exile

24 December 2007

By Wai Moe
December 21, 2007
[Original Source - Irrawaddy]

Some opposition leaders in exile are said to be planning to form a new exile government or to reform the current exiled government, the National Coalition Government Union of Burma (NCGUB), according to exiled opposition sources.

Opposition sources on the Thai-Burmese border told The Irrawaddy on Friday that two approaches are being considered: one reforming the current NCGUB, which has a headquarter office in Rockville, Maryland in the United States.

It was founded on December 18, 1990 when the National League for Democracy and other opposition groups elected Sein Win, a first cousin of Aung San Suu Kyi, as the NCGUB's prime minister.


Lessons of Burma Uprising 2007

BY: Richard, Editor,
Burma Dialogue (www.freesuukyi.org/blog )

While we sit back and watch the junta predictably jump back and forth concerning the NLD and Aung San Suu Kyi’s level of involvement (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7150488.stm) in the masquerade they call a “road to democracy” we can at least say those who stood up will be remembered in the back pages of Time’s internet pages (http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/personoftheyear/article/0,28804,1690753_1690758_1693514,00.html).


Letter to Irrawaddy

22 December 2007

Dear Editor,

I refer to Ups and Downs in 2007 [Commentary] by Aung Zaw in Irrawaddy. I have always followed Ko Aung Zaw's commentaries closely as I always find his opinions sensible and reasonable, his flow of thoughts strongly coherent.

Again, in this article, he has done a good job of summarizing the past significant happenings in Burma for 2007. In particular, below quote strikes me as something of utmost importance for us to consider in our future plans:

It is inevitable that change will come from within Burma. However, it is better if we can influence change in a peaceful way without bloodshed.


Ups and Downs in 2007

By Aung Zaw
December 20, 2007
[Original Source: Irrawaddy]

The year 2007 brought high hopes to the Burmese people when protesters led by monks took to the streets demanding democratic change. But the hopes were short lived. The brutal crackdown unleashed by the military regime killed not only innocent people but also the people’s hope for change.

However, the people of Burma, tired of their life under a repressive regime, have pressed the fast forward button for change, and I believe they won’t let up that pressure.

Regional players and allies of the regime have failed to back this indefatigable will for change. They have also seen many ups and downs since Burma joined Asean in 1997.

Just before the start of November’s Asean summit in Singapore, China sent its special envoy to Naypyidaw, where he met senior leaders including Snr-Gen Than Shwe. Beijing backed UN efforts on Burma and asked the junta to speed up reform. But the Burmese leaders were unyielding.


Crisis on the Burma border

By Ashley South
December 20, 2007
[Original Source: Irrawady]

Civilized people have been shocked by the images of Buddhist monks and other civilians being arrested and killed in Rangoon and other cities.

Understandably, revulsion at the actions of the SPDC regime has led to calls for firm action to be taken against the generals who have mismanaged Burma for nearly half a century (since the military takeover of 1962).

The challenge facing the international community is how to persuade the junta to better respect the human, civil and political rights of citizens. Whether this requires reform of the military government—and some kind of gradual transition to democracy—or a more abrupt form of regime change is debatable. What is clear, however, is that Burma needs change—and soon.


New Blood of Fighting Peacocks

Translated by Thway Ni (BBWOB)
[Original version in Burmese by NZ]

Is it a bloody storm
Accompanied by merciless army and smoke of gunpowder?
With perserverence,
Our peacock flag is flying high.
Our blood is forever rejuvenated
Even if we have to die on our feet.


Images of the monks' peaceful protest in September

Translated by BBWOB
[Original Source in Burmese]

University of San Francisco recognized the efforts of the burmese monks by giving out an honorary award for their role in September peaceful protests. We, burmese people, feel very proud and happy for our monks.

To further honour the sacrifices made by our monks, the collection of various pictures of the monks during the September movement are presented below.


May I Suggest - Bo Bo Kyaw Nyein

20 December 2007

Friday 26th Oct 2007 21:25 (Myanmar time)
Translated by BBWOB (with the help of MMM, TL)
[Original post in Burmese]

Last month, the courageous Burmese people protested against the hike in petrol prices as they could no longer endure the poverty under the repressive military regime (SPDC). The peaceful protests led by the monks commenced from a small town called Pa-khok-ku. However, the military regime that believes in holding onto power through the means of violence, beat up, arrested, killed the monks and people and also raided monasteries.

During this September movement, due to the advancement of internet technology, the military regime could no longer hide their atrocities from the international community like what they did during the 1988 demonstrations in Burma. Pictures of soldiers shooting into the crowds and a dead body of a monk in the stream were featured widely in all the international media almost instantly.

As a result, the international community became aware of the atrocities that the military regime had committed against the peaceful demonstrators and they lent their voices urging their governments to do something to help the Burmese people. As a result, UN had to step in and send Mr. Gambari to Burma as a UN representative for discussions with the military junta. Though the military junta was reluctant to meet Mr. Gambari, they eventually had to agree under the pressure from international countries and UN.

Looking back at the past events in Burma, the military junta seized power after 1990 elections instead of giving way to the winning party, National League for Democracy (NLD). They also arrested the national leader, Daw Aung San Su Kyi (DASSK). For the past 18 years, the military regime has been lying their way out to escape from any form of political dialogue. Instead, they have drawn up their own version of one-sided Road Map without much intention of achieving true democracy in Burma. In fact, their discussion with Mr. Gambari was full of pretence from their side. It is their ploy to deceive the international community by offering conditional acceptance/ offer without any sincere intention for true political dialogue.


Myanmar refugees face wretched existence in Malaysia

18 December 2007

[Re-post from this source]

A stenciled cardboard placard announces the presence of a refugee camp for minority ethnic Chins from Myanmar, hidden in the jungle on the fringes of an urban development in Kuala Lumpur, in October. Living in a secret mud hut camp within minutes of one of Kuala Lumpur's ultra-rich neighbourhoods, over 100 Myanmar refugees who have escaped religious persecution in their country are on the verge of death from starvation.

(AFP) - Living in miserable camps not far from the glittering Petronas Twin Towers, Myanmar refugees in Malaysia are some of the most wretched of the hundreds of thousands who have fled their homeland.

"We are living here like prisoners, we cannot go out anywhere because we are frightened," says 35-year-old James Munerlian, a Christian pastor from Myanmar's Chin state who fled persecution by the military regime.


Change of guard or political reform? Only time will tell

16 December 2007

Dr. Sein Myint
Mizzima News (www.mizzima.com)

[Original Source]

December 13, 2007 - A rumor of the ill health of State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) Supremo, Senior General Than Shwe, has recently been reported in the exile Burmese news media. The question that is on peoples' minds, especially to Burma experts and observers living outside the country is, whether this is true, and if it is, then how will this effect Burma's current political landscape and its "Seven Point Road Map", the political process that the SPDC has embarked upon?

Burmese people are quite used to such rumors since the Ne Win era, where numerous rumors of the death of the late dictator regularly circulated, some purposely by the dictator himself, possibly on the advice of astrologers, making Yadayar to ward off any bad omen cast upon him. This could be another Yadayar by the Senior General, as he has already instructed the planting of "Sunflower or Nay Kyar," meaning 'long stay' in Burmese, possibly with an eye to extending his rule over the "Fourth Burmese Empire".


Support For Burma Saffron Revolution

10 December 2007

Aung Way’s Review - “The way to win the power within one year”

09 December 2007

Original post in Burmese
Translated by Burmese Bloggers w/o Borders (with the help of MMM & TL)


This review is from a poet for Burma Democracy Revolution. The poet has tried to mention his personal point of view on the Democracy Revolution. Hence it is named Aung Way’s Review. The main objective of this review is to win back the power within one year.


The Burmese people demonstrated in 1988 as the first time after 26 years of army regime. It was led by students. And then military junta took advantage on that demonstration and seized the power from the people and declared martial law under SLORC (State Law and Order Restoration Council). It has been 19 years since then. Hence, in September, the Burmese people again demonstrated against the military regime which has ruled the country for almost 20 years. The Monks took the lead in this peaceful demonstration. This time, (State Peace and Development Council) SPDC is trying to take advantage of the situation in Burma to tighten their power.