Philippine won't ratify ASEAN Charter

29 January 2008

Arroyo: Senate won’t ratify ASEAN Charter if Suu Kyi isn't freed
News adapted from: “ABS.CBN News Online by Marvin Sy,The Phillippine Star ” 28 Jan 08

President Arroyo reiterated her call for Myanmar’s military junta to free detained political leader Aung San Suu Kyi as part of its commitment to institute democratic reforms.


UNICEF: As many as 411 children die daily in Myanmar; second-worst in Asia

27 January 2008

[Source - AP]
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) Hundreds of children under age 5 die from preventable diseases each day in military-ruled Myanmar, the second-worst mortality rate for children in Asia after Afghanistan, U.N. officials said Wednesday.

Dr. Osamu Kunii, the nutrition expert in Myanmar for the U.N. Children's Fund, said there were 100,000 to 150,000 child deaths per year in the country or between 274 and 411 daily.
He was speaking at a briefing by UNICEF for its annual report on ''The State of the World's Children,'' released Tuesday. The under-5 mortality rate is a critical indicator of the well-being of children.


The China Factor

[Source - Irrawaddy]
By Min Zin January 19, 2008

A few weeks after the September protests last year in Burma, a Chinese diplomat approached an influential Burmese advocate in New York and asked why the Burmese dubbed their protest the "Saffron Revolution."

"The diplomat was quite uncomfortable with this particular saffron name while he whispered to me," said the Burmese advocate, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Chinese are very sensitive to the 'color revolutions'," she said.


Remembrance of September Revolution 2007 (BURMA / Myanmar)

26 January 2008

It has been four months after the September Revolution or Golden Revolution was cracked down by force by the military regime. I would like to remind the world citizens not to forget our little Burma since our fellow native brothers and sisters are losing their freedom whilst the world enjoys the growing freedom and humanity.

The following photos are taken from individual sources rather than from the news agencies. I salute every photographers or enthusiasts for involving in the news distributions and photos distributions. The international community should not forget this crackdown especially during the most advanced time of humanity in the world. The International community must take actions to force the regime to start a genuine dialogue with the people and people representatives.


Who Can Rescue Nilar Thein? [Commentary]

25 January 2008

By Kyaw Zwa Moe
January 22, 2008
[Original Source]

Who remembers her now? Actually, she was well-known about four months ago. But today few seem to remember her. Four months is a long time in today’s fast-moving world.

Nilar Thein is a fugitive with a price on her head. She has been hiding in different locations in Rangoon since September when Burma’s military authorities began hunting down activists who led demonstrations in August and September.

If that’s not reason enough to feel sorry for the 35-year-old activist, her whole family is also suffering along with her.


Attack on Burmese Blogs by SPDC (Military Regime in Burma)

20 January 2008

[Original Source – niknayman]
Translated by Burmese Bloggers w/o Borders

Before the recent “Saffron Revolution”, there were approximately around 2000 blogs and most of them concentrated on writing about the topics of their own personal interest and their personal experiences in life.

In September, Burmese people could no longer endure the years of poverty and as a result of increase in diesel prices, many of them took to the streets for peaceful demonstrations. Such demonstrations were shown to the world through the Burmese blogs in the form of instant news, pictures and videos. After that, everyone, including SPDC, became aware of the significant role that Burmese bloggers played in this “Saffron Revolution”.


Thoughts on "Living Uncertainly in Exile" commentary

19 January 2008

I read "Living Uncertainly in Exile" commentary by Ko Aung Zaw with great interest. It gave me a chance to glimpse into the lives of exiles and their feelings. Though I am not very familiar with some of the prominent names mentioned in the commentary, I feel that 1988 uprising has actually claimed many extraordinary lives, which might otherwise have remained ordinary. In particular, I empathize with the students who fled to the border and the families who lost their children after the uprising. Staying true to their faith to free Burma, many students traded in their books and school uniform for revolution. For them, their personal dreams in life became secondary to the pursuit of freedom for Burma.


Living Uncertainly in Exile [Irrawaddy Commentary]

[Source - Irrawaddy]
By Aung Zaw
January 16, 2008

Last week, I received a sad message from a colleague in Bangkok. “My mother died of a brain tumor in Rangoon hospital.”

The former political prisoner, who now lives in Bangkok, missed the funeral of his beloved mother.

If he had returned home for the funeral he risked being imprisoned again. After spending nearly 10 years in Rangoon’s notorious Insein prison, he didn’t want to repeat the experience. So he went to a Bangkok temple and prayed for his late mother.


Myanmar minister seeks Japanese investment

18 January 2008

[Source - AFP]
Friday, January 18, 2008

TOKYO -- Myanmar's foreign minister Thursday called on Japan to invest in the country's rich natural resources, boasting that China and India were doing business there despite Western sanctions.

Myanmar faced heavy international criticism for its crackdown on pro democracy protests last year, with the United States and the European Union tightening sanctions on the military-ruled regime.


Security Council laments lack of progress on Myanmar reforms

[Source - AFP]

UNITED NATIONS (AFP) — The Security Council has bemoaned the slow progress in initiating democratic reforms in Myanmar and pressed for an early visit to the country by UN mediator Ibrahim Gambari.

After huddling with Gambari, the 15 council members said in a statement that they "regretted the slow rate of progress so far toward" meeting objectives they set out last October, a month after Myanmar's military junta crushed the biggest pro-democracy protests in nearly 20 years.


Complete Independence?

16 January 2008

61 years ago, on the 3rd January 1947 on his way to London General Aung San stopped off in New Delhi to discuss and study. General Aung San spoke at a reception given by the Committee of the Inter-Asian Relations Conference. On the 5th he met the press and replied to questions at the press conference. The following is extracted from his informal speech and replies, as published in “ THE HINDU” of Madras, dated on the 5th and 7th January respectively.


Have we really lost?

14 January 2008

Recently, I read the Irrawaddy editorial article, "Who Lost the Most in the 2007 Uprising?". The article stated as followed:

The truth is everyone involved lost—the Burmese people, the military junta and the international community.

Most Burmese people lost faith in a better future, their dreams again destroyed by the dark reality of oppression and ruthlessness.

The generals lost their chance to show the world they wished to move towards a legitimate government and gain the world’s recognition as leaders who guided Burma to true democracy.
Their conclusion,
It’s the people who have lost the most, by far.
hit me pretty hard. Have we really lost the most? Below is what I feel.


Explosion Reported in Myanmar Capital

11 January 2008

[Source - AP]
2 hours ago

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — An explosion in the capital of military-ruled Myanmar killed one woman Friday morning, a government official said.

The official, who insisted on anonymity because he is not authorized to release information, said the explosion took place in a bathroom at the railway station in Naypyitaw at around 4:20 a.m.

He had no further details, and it was unclear whether the explosion was caused by a bomb. There were no immediate claims of responsibility and the government has not yet blamed any group.


A digitally enhanced Myanmar opposition

08 January 2008

Protesters had difficulty communicating until they landed in jail, where they traded e-mail addresses and cellphone numbers. Many are out again, building a network for what they call a new revolution.

By Paul Watson
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
[Source - LA Times]

January 7, 2008

YANGON, MYANMAR — During 45 years of military rule, Myanmar's generals drilled fear and suspicion so deeply into the minds of their people that when their opponents tried to harness the rage seething on the streets last fall, no one knew whom to trust.

The generals quickly took advantage, crushing the pro-democracy demonstrations, killing at least 15 people and jailing thousands. It was a brutally simple strategy that had worked before.

But this time may be different. An information revolution has come slowly to this poor, isolated country, and the military government may have inadvertently handed its enemies the keys to organizing a more effective underground movement.


Green and Red

06 January 2008

By Reggie B
(Sent through email)

Was it yesterday?
The summer of 88
For a brief taste of Freedom
and a glimmering ray of Hope
What a heavy price we paid

Was it yesterday?
December seventy four
In the name of Dignity
We claimed the coffin of Mr Clean
A Deed worth Paying for


Independence Day

By Dr. K K Lay

They all fought for the country
Bo Gyoke Aung San and his army

They were all heroes and that is a fact
When the blood flowed, it was all crimson red.

They all fought for freedom, side by side,
Some of them lived, and so many died.


Conditions of Political prisoners in Insein Jail, Burma (Myanmar)

05 January 2008


Dear Bloggers around the world! Your Help is much Needed ! Please spread the news of political prisoners inside Insein Jail, the most notorious jail in Burma!

Source copied from Ko Htike Blog. Here.

The latest news of Insein Prison is reported as follows;

Political Prisoner, Ko Kyaw Soe (aka Talky Kyaw Soe) was moved from a special unit to the main unit on 27 December. His head was badly injured during arrest which has effected his brain and neuro system. Until now, Ko Kyaw Soe and 6 other protesters have not been seen by family members. Instead, they can only send packages to them.

Political Prisoner, Ko Myint Lwin Oo (aka Thar Gyi) appeared before court on 26 December.

Five monks from Ngwe Kyaryan monastary (U Nanda, U Zarni Ya, U Ega Dama, U Indria and U Lar Thaka) have all been charged under Sections 505 b, 295 and 143.

Except for shower time, all the political prisoners are banned from going outside their cells. Apart from the famous and well-known leaders, the rest, and especially younger prisoners are subjected to physical and mental abuse and torture.

There was a meeting on 26 December between the judges and attorney generals, who decided not to hold hearings for the time being.

The Decision Issued By 88 generation leaders, Ko Min Ko Naing, Ko Ko Gyi and Ko Htay Kywe as follows :

"It has now been 4 months and 8 days (130 days) since we have been arrested and
detained. This waiting time is far longer than permitted under International (including Burmese) Laws, which state that detainees must be put on trial within 90 days. If we are not brought before the Magistrate Courts, our families will file a suit against the SPDC (junta).

If we are to be prosecuted, the court hearing must be held in public and systematically , according to the laws and legislation. If the SPDC is trying to hold the trial in private and the decisions made behind the close doors, we will not agree to sign it".

(Information obtained by Generation Wave, one of the underground activist group inside Burma)


Source copied from Dr. Lun Swe Blog : Here

Political Prisoners Locations

Insein Jail

At Blk 1leaders of 88 generation Ko Minn Ko Naing, Ko Jimmy, Political Prisoner Ko Tin Htoo Aung, Ko Zin Linn Aung, Ko Myo Thant, Pat Khan Kwar, U Soe Han (NLD member)

At Blk 2 (short building)leaders of 88 generation, Ko Ko Gyi, Ko Mya Aye, Political Prisoners U Nine Nine (NLD member), U Myint Lwin (whose health is deteriorating and he has not met his family), Ko Wai Linn Ko Ko Naing (who have not met his family), U Saw Tin Winn (who have not met his family), U Saw Gay Thay Moo (whose health is deteriorating and he has not met his family), Ko Kyaw Kyaw, and Ko Kyaw Minn

At Blk 2 (long building) political prisoners U Winn Myint, Thiha, Zaw Minn Oo, Maung Maung Latt, Thurein Aung, Myo Minn, Nyi Nyi Zaw, U Khine Soe (whose health is deteriorating and he has not met his family), Mone Ywa Aung Shin, U Tin Myint, Ko San Ya, Ko Ye, U Khin Maung Winn, U Nay Minn (whose health is deteriorating and he has not met his family), one of 88 generation leaders Ko Kyaw Kyaw Htwe (a) Mar Kee, political prisoner Ko Myo Khin

At Blk 3political prisoners Dee Nyein Linn, U Hla Myint Thann, U Thein Lwin Oo, U Ye Myint, Ko Maung Maung Myint, Ko Aung Than, Ko Thein Swe

At Blk 4 (long building)political prisoners Ko Kyaw Htay (whose health is deteriorating and he has not met his family), Nyan Gyi, Kyaw Myo Minn, Ko Myo Thway, Naing Yakka, Zayya Aung, Kyaw Soe Soe, Aung Gyi, Yu Noot, Winn Aye (a) Ko Latt, and Phyu Lay

At Blk 4 (short building) – Lwin Ko Latt, Maung Maung Aye

At Blk 5, Political prisoners Thet Naing Aung, Soe Thein (a) Ye Thiha (whose health is deteriorating and he has not met his family), Soe Nyunt Zaw, Aung Ko Oo, Than Zaw Oo (who have not met his family), U Khin Winn (a) Boe Daw, U Aung Naing (who have not met his family), Mya San Htoo (who have not met his family), Ko Paw Lwin, Aung Myo San (who have not met his family), Khin Kyaw, Zaw Linn Htun (who have not met his family), Han Winn Aung (whose health is deteriorating and he has not met his family), U Ba Tint, U Aung Thein,
Jailed monks U Ti Sa (who have not met his family), U Nanda Vunsa (who have not met his family), U Sandaw Barsa(who have not met his family), U Sumana (who have not met his family), U Tay Jainda (who have not met his family)

At Blk 6Political prisoner Ko Thet Oo


Source copied from Dr. Lun Swe Blog : Here

News Inside Insein Jail

At Blk 1, 88 generation leaders Ko Minn Ko Naing, Ko Jimmy, political prisoners Ko Tin Htu Aung, Ko Zaw Lin Aung, Ko Myo Thant and Ko Pud Khan Kwar are held together with others criminals and also with Kywe Gyi aka Khin Maung Thaik ( a crminal who committed murder 2 times ) who was appointed as the supervisor of that Blk 1.

At Blk 2, 88 generation leaders Ko Ko Gyi, Ko Mya Aye, Ko Kyaw Kyaw Htwe aka Mar Kee, political prisoner Ko Myo Khin aka Mone Khet are held together with the criminals who are on death row.

At Blk 3, Ko Dee Nyein Linn and Ko Thein Swe are held together with the criminals who are on death row.

At Blk 5, one of 88 generation leaders, Ko Htwe Kywe is held together with other 30 criminals.

At Prison Hospital, one of 88 generation leaders, Ko Hla Myo Naung and political prisoner, Ko Htin Kyaw are held together with ex army officer Hla Win Aung who is already mentally abnormal and another mad criminal.

Political prisoner, Ko Myo Khin is going to sentence under Section 505/143 and political prisoner, Ko Thein Swe is going to sentence under Section 6.


Where Truth Stands

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Richard J Tilley
South Carolina
[Source - Irrawaddy : Letter to the Editor]

We are put in an irreconcilable position concerning the future of Burma. There is little hope the Burmese junta will hold talks with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi or any other interested party in the coming year. 2008 will be another stifle hold on an already limping movement. I only say the movement is limping because it is being held back in every direction. The UN Security Council cannot pass any measures due to China and Russia. Asean will not take firm steps to deal with the junta for fear of trade fallouts as well as the fear of the organization falling apart at the seams. The US does not wish to get too deeply involved other than more rhetoric from a lame-duck State Department and the EU would just as easily prefer to trade with Burma if they could escape the public outcry for doing so. So, where does that leave us for 2008?


New Mass Movement Issues Open Letter to Junta

by Wai Moe
January 4, 2008
[Source - Irrawaddy]

A newly formed dissident group in Burma, the Steering Committee of Mass Movement, or SCMM, called Friday for the military government to “speed up political reform in the country” and take a step toward sustainable progress in the interests of the Union of Burma.

The umbrella group also urged the junta to release Burma’s democracy icon, Aung San Suu Kyi, and all other political prisoners, including monks and protesters who were arrested for demonstrating in August and September.

The SCMM issued an open letter to Snr-Gen Than Shwe and other member of the ruling State Peace and Development Council on January 4, the day of the 60th anniversary of Burma’s independence from British rule. The statement called for the release of prisoners by February 12, the country’s union day.


Counsellor of Myanmar embassy in Moscow found dead

04 January 2008

[Source - Itar-Tass]

MOSCOW, January 3 (Itar-Tass) -- The third counsellor of the Myanmar Embassy in Moscow was found dead at the embassy premises in downtown Moscow, a source in the Moscow police told Itar-Tass on Thursday. Doctors said in a preliminary diagnosis report that the diplomat died of intestinal poisoning and acute heart attack.

“An alarm call about the incident came at 6.14 p.m. Moscow time on Thursday to the police alert force. The 40-year-old third counsellor of the Myanmar Embassy was found dead at the premises of the embassy situated at 41, Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street,” the police source said.

The investigation into the incident is underway.

Crackdown Against Buddhist Monks Shakes Burmese Society

03 January 2008

[Source - VOA]
By Rory Byrne
02 January 2008

In the months since Burmese troops crushed anti-government demonstrations, the military government has moved to detain the Buddhist monks who led the protesters. Soldiers have closed many monasteries and placed others under armed guard. Human rights activists, diplomats and ordinary Burmese say hundreds of monks and nuns remain in detention. Yet despite the clampdown, some monks vow to take to the streets again if talks between the government and the opposition do not bring political reform. Rory Byrne has this report for VOA from Rangoon.


Ushering New Year with Sorrow

01 January 2008

Translated by Thway Ni (BBWOB)
Original poem in Burmese by Ka-Mar-Pa-Leh (Sone-sea-yar blog)

At the work-table,
Splattered with my comrades' blood,
I flipped through old "files".
Some are still luminous,
Some have lost their shine,
Alas, some have even dissolved conveniently into this materialistic world.


Burma and the Alien

Judi Gomez
Sydney - Australia
1 January 2008

Three months ago I was very relaxed following my spiritual path where I created my sweet pinky world, where nothing could upset me, no one could touch me either, I was free living in my happy world. Then suddenly the news started throwing gruesome pictures of our dearest Monks. What was that? Where was that? Why is it happening?

As a westerner I was to view the pictures and toss the images out of my mind, I just could not because as a human being I belong to a wide community known as the world, I simply could not stand aside and become conveniently blind. Two days of pictures were enough to graduate as an activist for the first time in my life.
on Burma from the eyes of a non-burmese.


U Gambira of Saffron Revolution in Burma

[Source - Burma Digest]

In BURMA DIGEST poll for Person of the Year 2007 (Burma), we got hundreds of direct votings on the website, and many more thousands of votes sent via email. U Gambira, and his fellow monks, who led Burma’s Saffron Revolution in 2007 got highest number of votes; and accordingly, named here as “The Person of the Year 2007 in Burma”.

U Gambira, the 29-year old leader of the All-Burma Monks’ Alliance that spearheaded nationwide protests in Burma in September, became a fugitive following the deadly Sept. 26-27 crackdown on protesters in Burma. He made important announcements to the world outside Burma about the alliance’s aims and in a climate of fear and arrests of pro-democracy activists, became one of the new leaders of Burma’s freedom movement.