29 September 2007

According the eye-witnesses spoken to a friend of mine on the phone right now, almost all the monasteries in Rangoon are being raided by the military troops tonight. The fate of the monks who have been and are going to be arrested is unknown.

This is what happened when UN failed to provide timely help to Rwanda in 1994. We do not want the ugly history to repeat.

(Extract from wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide)

The Rwandan Genocide was the 1994 mass killing of hundreds of thousands of ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutu sympathizers in Rwanda and was the largest atrocity during the Rwandan Civil War. This genocide was mostly carried out by two extremist Hutu militia groups, the Interahamwe and the Impuzamugambi, during about 100 days from April 6 through mid-July, 1994. At least 500,000 Tutsis and thousands of moderate Hutus died in the genocide.[1] Some estimates put the death toll between 800,000 and 1,000,000.[2]

In the wake of the Rwandan Genocide, the international community, and the United Nations in particular, drew severe criticism for its inaction. Despite international news coverage of the violence as it unfolded, most countries, including France, Belgium, and the United States, declined to prevent or stop the massacres. Canada continued to lead the UN peacekeeping force in Rwanda, United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR). Despite specific warnings and requests from UNAMIR's commanding officers in Rwanda, before and during the genocide, the UN Security Council refused to send additional support, declined UNAMIR's request for authorization to intervene, and even scaled back UNAMIR's forces and authority.

Written on 28 September 2007 Friday


Unknown said...

U.N actions are being blocked by China and there veto power.

Anonymous said...

大學生視訊交友高雄人聊天室自拍盜攝館成人自拍,網友自拍網友自拍,真實自拍貼圖激情自拍館成人貼圖站淫蕩天使情色貼圖女孩自拍天使情色貼圖本土自拍寫真情色典獄長104自拍美女貼圖自拍做愛貼圖小魔女自摸自拍淫蕩天使情色網成人美少女自拍貼圖香港護士自拍貼圖區愛愛成人貼圖片區唯我獨尊成人貼圖片區ㄧ葉晴成人貼圖片區八國聯軍成人自拍貼圖區特兒素人自拍貼圖歐美街頭自拍亞洲超人氣情色貼圖自拍偷窺貼圖區無名辣妹自拍美女工廠貼圖區台灣無限貼圖區007成人網情色貼圖金瓶梅貼圖寶貝馬子貼圖網檳榔西施自拍照片gir貼圖下載區台灣妹妹情色貼圖偷窺大本營免費自拍情色電影sex520免費影片免費aa片試看甜心寶貝直播s383情人視訊亞洲情色視訊交友免費UT視訊交友辣妹妹影音視訊聊天室主播情人視訊視訊美女館上班族1對1視訊即時通視訊女郎視訊館妹妹影音視訊聊天室蠻女都會男女視訊聊天室視訊網愛聊天室買春視訊免費正妹視訊熱舞秀視訊網愛交流區愛情紅綠燈情色皇朝聊天室一夜情援交聊天室桃園聊天室sm聊天室080苗栗聊天室琉璃仙境聊天室電愛聊天室ut聊天聯盟尋夢園上班族聊天室sex5220免費影片色咪咪影片網☆♀ 成人影視☆♀av情色網情色短片三級電影☆♀ av女優影片 ☆♀☆♀ 成人影片 ☆♀☆♀ 成人聊天網 ☆♀☆♀ 限制級影片 ☆☆♀ 限制級影片 ☆♀☆♀ 情色電影院☆♀☆♀免費視訊交友聊天室 ☆♀☆♀ 免費網友自拍影片 ☆♀☆♀ 夜未眠成人影城 ☆♀☆♀ 視訊影音聊天 ☆♀免費成人影短片下載☆♀ 一夜激情交友聊天室 ☆♀☆♀ 網路視訊聊天 ☆♀☆♀ 視訊聊天辣妹 ☆♀☆♀ 激情成人網愛聊天室 ☆♀☆♀ 免費影音視訊聊天 ☆♀0204情愛視訊聊天網☆♀ 視訊聊天美女 ☆♀♀ 免費體驗視訊聊天 ♀☆♀ 夜激情成人聊天室 ☆♀☆♀ 一葉情成人貼圖片區 ☆♀☆♀ 愛愛影片 ☆♀情色電影院免費視訊聊天室入口ut 聊天室入口ek21 聊天室入口