In disgust for the junta, Burmese are united

30 October 2007

Oct 29 2007

Yangon, Myanmar : By Burmese standards, life has been good for the three friends, buddies from the Defense Services Academy, the alma mater of many of the generals who ordered the bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protests in Myanmar last month. Two of them own factories; the third works for an airline, a coveted job in this country.

Still, when their late-afternoon chat in a Yangon office turned to Senior General Than Shwe, these veterans in their 50s could hardly conceal their loathing.

"When I was an army officer, my soldiers and I went out every day to fight Communists," said one of the men, who runs a factory in southern Myanmar. "What do they do now? They bring soldiers from the border, feed them with food, drugs and rum, and they run them like dogs, fighting their own people."


The Resurrection of Myanmar Yellow Blood Revolution

27 October 2007

By Aung Way (11-10-07)
Well-known Myanmar Poet
(From a bomb-shelter)

We, the Mass's Alliance for Democracy, try to resuscitate the idea for our “saffron solidarity – yellow blood” revolution 2007.

We will bring our pro-democracy movement in three ways. Those are following:

(1) Military way (way of mutiny)
(2) Diplomatic way (way of diplomacy)
(3) Propaganda way (way of counter-art)


Ashin Kovida, a 24-year-old Buddhist monk - leader of September protest in Burma/Myanmar

26 October 2007

News Source : International Herald Tribune

By Thomas Fuller
Published: October 25, 2007

MAE SOT, Thailand: One of the main organizers of the September protest marches in Myanmar, Ashin Kovida, a 24-year-old Buddhist monk, escaped to Thailand last week by carrying a false identification card, dying his hair blond and wearing a crucifix.

On Thursday, Ashin Kovida offered details of his harrowing escape and insights into what has remained a central question about the September protests: Who organized the orderly lines of saffron-robed monks who marched through Yangon - and how.


State Terrorism, Agonies of Myanmar & Regional Stability (2-3)

24 October 2007

by Mg Yin


2. Regional Stability
2.1 Internal Affairs

According to the law of the jungle, only the strong will survive.

But, in the whole human society, how do we humanly define the meaning of the so-called internal affair if that is death-and-life for millions people?

Let’s simply and humanly imagine that if we encountered one of our family members suffered from abusive attacks by others, should we, as his family, tender to ignore him by irresponsibly claiming that ““Oh.. this is his personal affair only, nothing to do with our family.”?

One more instance is that when we saw a group of armed men attack or rob or attempt to murder our neighbour in front of our eyes, can we simply ignore this by saying that “Oh!...that homicides is only their internal affair and nothing to interfere”? In a worst case, if we support that armed men or robbers to succeed their attempts by providing the supportive aids and encouraging them - “keep on terrorist men, we will be on your side and we will not make any interference into your internal affairs”.

With no doubt, Myanmar, a country which is geographically and strategically located between two opposite giants, needs a wise government who can mange and rule us wisely, peacefully and stably not only internally, but also regionally. However, Myanmars only got a power-mad military government and consequently the mismanagement of military regime created the economy decline, social instabilities and threat to the regional security.

For instance, as a part of China’s so-called “string of pearls” policy, China’s attempt to facilitate its access on the Bay of Bengal (see the Map in Figure) created worries among the Western and Indian analysts since China is believed to use Myanmar to build their naval and intelligence bases around the Indian Ocean. Recent evidences reported that China was delivering signals equipment for monitoring station on various coastal sites in Msyanmar. Further, China had a permanent presence on Great Coco Island which has fuelled Indian paranoia [Economist].

Under such brutal government who knows only how to use armed forces to crackdown on any uprisings, but not solving with wisdoms and wise management, It will never ever safe to presume that Myanmar affair is just an internal only.

2.3 Bangladesh-Myanmar

Looking into the other side of borders, Rohingya community in Arakan State 250, 000 muslim refugees fleeing to Bangladesh as a result of brutal offensive by military regime. For this issue, over a period of years there were lots of international pressures and numerous outspoken criticisms of the military regime from a number of Islamic nations.

Bangladesh and India always keep their eyes open on military junta’s policy and its closed relationship with PRC government, but their eyes are closed for 52 M of people suffering from poverty, fear and lost of human rights.

2.4 China - Myanmar Border

Another significant concern of the regional stability along the borderlines is that the border trade through the morally degraded town of Ruili which economy boomed in 1990s, since the military regime seized the power. This booming border trade included opium and heroin. The most threatening challenge for the whole human world also thus comes along with that border trade, AIDS. Of course, China’s first reported HIV epidemic was found due to the shared-needles and drug trade in these border regions.

Thus, for the sake of whole human society, China needs to learn how “the stability of its neighbour” importantly plays for itself and the whole region. [Ref: Econimist]

2.5 Thai-Myanmar border

In 1997 estimated 500, 000 illegal immigrants from Myanmar working in Thailand. In 2006, as a result of cease-fire agreements with two dozens armed forces in Myanmar, this number raised to 2 M.

In result, the relations with Thailand are being strained due to the swelling of refugee numbers, threats to border security and drug and human trafficking. All these sourced from the political and economical instabilities created by military juntas’ poor management.


Burma is the largest in the Indochina region, mainland South-East Asia and we are relatively rich in natural resources – petroleum, mining products (gems, jades, copper, gold), timber (including Teak), marine fisheries and natural gas. But we are the poorest in the SEA region.

Regionally, in ASEAN family, cancellations of the joint ASEAN-EU meeting demonstrated that Myanmar is a problem child making serious concerns for ASEAN.

Most importantly, the military regime has been engaged in one of the most ambitious arms programs in South-East Asia. Weapon and arms are mainly sourced from China and Russia. The juntas invested approximately 50% (up to 10% of GDP) of central government spending on strengthening the military force. For ASEAN making Myanmar, a buffer between China and India, as a partner is more secured rather than the outsider. And they can also secure the access of natural resources in Myanmar and finally constructive engagement which has been effectively working on paper only.

ASEAN’s constructive engagement finally ended with the death of Buddhist monks and people in their supported military regime’s crakdwons on protests, inpatient people deserved human rights and democracy, hundreds of lives fleeing from their homes and thousands of arrests.

With the evidences of massacres, now Myanmar hopes that the ASEAN will recon that the oppressive rule, violent crackdown, death and threatened lives of peaceful protestors, killing the Buddhist monks and forcing people to flee their home and loved ones are not the constructive engagement, but the destructive.

2.7 Internal or Regional?

Cease fired groups along the Myanmar borders can anytime return the border regions into the unpacific region. Influences of India and China on Myanmar is not only our internal affair, but the regional affairs, especially ASEAN as those two giants will get both political and economical benefits from the region via Myanmar in the future.

Further, development of humanitarian implication is not the internal issue, but the global security for all human-beings. Instead of supporting military regime, any civilized nations must stand by the side of million of people.

Up to this point, one may clearly conclude that whether the crises in Myanmar are internal affair or a threat to regional stability and human beings.

2.8 The UN & Junta

Military junta hosted the UN envoy Mr. Gambari with fake mass rallies and kept him away from genuine people’s voices on the streets. The junta’s spies and military forces continued their brutal missions of mid-night raids on the residential premises and monasteries and arrested thousands of people even during Gambari’s visit.

The UN last week issued a statement calling for a peaceful dialogue and genuine national reconciliation. The juntas rejected the UN statement and claimed that they are right to do anything with their blind reason of internal affair only. The arrests, harassments, non-stop mid-night raids at the residential and monasteries are still going on, Myanmars are still living insecurely under the junta’s oppressive ruling system and harsh crushes. Poor Myanmars are not sure for tomorrow.

With no surprised with junta’s response to the UN statement as this is the way they juntas work - never listen and pay attention to the world. As usual, the junta claimed that external pressures are the policy of neo-colonialists to interfere our independence and internal affairs.

The UN envoy and military junta should not be like a Tom & Jerry script in which the state terrorism keep quiet while Mr. Gambari was around them and there will be humanitarian crisis while the rats reached out of cat’s eyes. On the other hand, this is, in deed, a life-and-death play for 52 millions of Myanmar people.

But, “Who care? Killing or firing, this is our internal affair only”, the junta keep arguing the world.

Then we do not know how many of our lives and next generations need to be sacrificed?



Beijing is dramatically booming within past decades. Shanghai and Beijing become world cities and those cities' living standard is getting closer to the first world. Roars of the regional tigers like Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia echoed loudly in the region. Their living standards are far ahead from one of their family members, Myanmar, a third world country. Shamefully, millions of poor Myanmars from a resource-rich country are not sure for tomorrow, even for a regular two meals.

Now is fair enough to knowing that the military junta dare to reject the UN Security Council statement, as thye used to pay no attention to the UN and the world. On –paper-statements and sympathetic concerns issued by the UN and ASEAN can not help our people.

Thus, whatever China, India and ASEAN claimed – internal affair or regime’s affair, we, Myanmar students, Buddhist monks and people, have decided to continue fighting against the brutal regime until such inhuman dictatorship and their Fascism of killing its people completely disappeared from our home ground. Myanmar will never forget about the monks and people sacrificed and the brutalities of regime. More revolutionary protests are coming again so.

Further, new generation of Student Union will continue leading this revolution, though the 88 generation student leaders and monks are now in the prisons. This is due to the fact that students and monks lead the way to against any unfair law and order whenever necessary and, in deed, future is in the hand of our new generation. So, the effective actions by the UN Security Council and pressures from ASEAN, China and India will assist our movements without anymore bloodsheds. This will also be a great contribution for our new generation, real owners of our country’s future.

We have no doubt that a resource-rich country like Myanmar is a genuine ground of nutrient-rich soil for growing strong and healthy plants with peaceful flowers leading to change from a third world country to first one which will also contribute our regional stability.

In summary, all the civilized nations, our neighbours and the ASEAN family must accept a very basic human concept -

“Every flower got a right to be blooming.”

Mg Yin

What do you say?Do you agree with the author or not?
Any supportive feedback and contribution for our movements and supports from the region?

4. J. Phillip, D. Mercer, Commodification of Buddhism in Contemporary Burma, Annl. of Tour. Res., Vol 26, No. 1, pg 21-54, 1999.
5. H. Beech, Burma’s Agony, TIME, Oct 8, 2007
6. G. Wehrfritz & J. Cochrane, The Monks’ Uprising, Newsweek, Oct 8, 2007
7. Myanmars and the world, Destructive Engagement, The Economist, Sept 29, 2007
8. Bernt Berger's "Why China has it wrong on Myanmar", Asia Time On-line.
9. Matthew E. Chen, Chinese National Oil Companies and Human Rights, Orbis, Volume 51, Issue 1, Winter 2007, Pages 41-54
10. China Uses Trade to Prop Myanmar Regime, Knight Rider Mar 6, 2006.
11. Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Report: Myanmar. Fourth Quarter. Kent: Redhouse Press 1997


How are you, Mr. Gambari?

21 October 2007

From September 28, there was a lot of happenings inside and outside Burma. There were intense crackdowns on democracy supporters or demonstrators since then. Mr. Gambari arrived Rangoon in Sep 30 and shuttled between Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and General Than Shwe. He could only deliver the so-called stiff warning to the generals but failed to stop the crackdowns or fufil the calls for intervention in Myanmar.

He is supposedly in India by now gathering regional support for his future activities which is supposedly to station an office to monitor the progress of the national reconciliation. Thailand has proposed him the round table discussion inclusive of Burma to “talk” peace and national reconciliation push to Burma. I don’t know whether it can be achieved but it is quite a fanciful idea.

  1. To stop the crackdowns against demonstrators and supporters.
  2. To establish an UN office to monitor the progress of National Reconciliation.
  3. If the junta refuses, there must be UN forces to send to Burma to force “Genuine” Dialogue to happen.
  4. UN must be there until there is people “elected” government of choice.
From my point of view, the regime has shunned the Security council’s decision and it vowed to continue its own “roadmap” of Nowhere. According to the roadmap, the national convention has taken 13 years to complete the “draft” constitution. It is the world’s longest constitution writing to be recorded in World “Guinness” record. Last week or so, the regime has gathered it’s own people either by forcing or luring with money, to attend the puppet mass gatherings to support the pro-military constitution. The people went to those gatherings in fear of the government reprisals. In Rangoon, they gathered 100,000 people in a stadium to shout pro-military slogans.

From this point, the military regime has calculated that they can go ahead with their own roadmap and ignored calls from the world. This is wrong, generals. I can tell you that all the Burmese people are silently protesting you all since 1962, the first military coup in our history. Those born after 1988, people revolutionary uprisings, are now involved deeply in this saffron revolution. They have said silent prayers and protests since they were born. If we miss the chance, we will waste another generation to improve the country.

Why are we desperately in need of National Reconciliation? There are many reasons of which I will represent the most important ones.
  1. Current military government has shown and proved their mismanagement of economy and the country for 19 years. It is enough for us to change to another government and improve.
  2. Current military mindset is that they can do whatever they want when they have weapons and killing mechanisms like prisons and detention camps. It is enough for us to suffer for 19 years under fear and reprisals and we, the people, want to change to new way of life.
  3. We are so tired of “elite” military class who tries to snatch whatever they want from the ordinary citizens. For example, they could force rent a taxi or car to transport the generals in the rural areas without paying any rental fee. We want equal values and opportunities of the citizens.
Current situation is that there are those people who get some little benefits from the regime to do chores for them. They would prosecute, arrest, or even beat the ordinary citizens who are their fellows for the sake of the regime. They would go to those mass gatherings or force other ordinary citizens to follow them and shout pro-military slogans. I believe they don’t think of too much things but only think of their current well-being. They may or may not have so called patriotic spirits but they are blind to see the future total collapse of the country if they continue to follow the regime.

How are you, Mr. Gambari? I think you are fine and well-paid. Please contribute for sake of Burmese people who are also world citizens who deserve to be paid attention by UN. If you ask who I am to talk all these issues directed to Mr. Gambari, I say;

“I am no one but one of the citizens who loves to see my country peaceful and prosperous.”


Heroine of Burma - Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

20 October 2007

Author: Martin O'Malley & Owen Wood
(CBC News Online) - [SOURCE]

Aung San Suu Kyi is the daughter of one of Burma's most cherished heroes, the martyred General Aung San, who led his country's fight for independence from Great Britain in the 1940s and was killed for his beliefs in 1947. Suu Kyi has equaled her father's heroics with her calm but passionate advocacy of freedom and democracy in the country now called Myanmar, a name chosen by one of the most insensitive and brutal military dictatorships in the world.


State Terrorism, Agonies of Myanmar & Regional Stability (1)

19 October 2007

by Mg Yin

1. State Terrorism & Agonies
1.1. Under the Military Dictator’s Repressive Shoes

With teary eyes, when we quietly looked at this photo, we could not even find any representative word to express our sorrows and sadness for a dead body of monk floating in a river of Yangon. For the country, that monk sacrificed himself during the juntas’ violent crackdown on peaceful protests.

Unbelievably, indeed unacceptably, on the ground of a gentle Buddhism country, a military regime and its army force has been killing its own people since 1962.

This time in Sept 2007 the juntas killed Buddhist monks and eventually the actor masks covering their true evil faces peeled off.

The blood streams of our monks and innocent people flowing in the streets of Myanmar are not dried yet. These streams are rooted from the massacres and bloodsheds brutally driven by the military juntas within the past four decades.

These blood streams are not only from the recent monk uprising, but also from the 1974, and 1988. This home land is so-called Burma or Myanmar, a gentle Buddhist country where the Theravada Buddhism is developing well.

Unlike in 1974 and 1988 strikes, the world is watching the juntas this time around the clock with the effort of IT age and the people around the world are now witnessing how the military regime’s state terrorism of violently killed its people and Buddhist monks who are highly respectful for Buddhists.

1.3 Bloody Milestone of Dictatorship

Looking back in 1962, student demonstrations and protests against the regime were brutally put down. Former dictator General Ne Win ordered the army force to kill the hundreds of university students and dynamited the Student Union building into pieces.

Student-led demonstrations and protests against Ne Win's rule continued repeatedly in 1965, Dec 1969, Dec 1970, Dec 1974, Jun 1975 and Sept 1988 Sporadic and in all protests, Ne Win and his military troops crushed brutally and the worse was the several rounds of massacre across the country in 88 general strike. Hundreds of people and monks were believed to be killed in Yangon alone and thousands killed across the major cities in Myanmar.

Now again in the bloody September 2007, the military and security force killed hundreds of Buddhist monks, innocent people including international journalist.

Why the military dictators solved any uprisings and problems with violent crushes? The answer is that they never hesitate to maintaining their power in all possible means; easiest way is killing its own people to create fears among us. But the revolution atmosphere had redeveloped in the streets of Myanmar.

Can they, military juntas, think? Myanmars would say definitely “YES”. The junta can cleverly think for their own interests, but not for 52 millions people. They know how to play political games, though they shouted that they focus only on “the national politics”. For instance, the juntas used Nobel Peace Laureate Daw Aung Sun Su Kyi as a state hostage whenever they blocked in dead-ends under external pressures.

1.4 Military Dictator’s Policy

“To all the people and entire nation, I hereby remind you all to bear in your mind that if there are mob disturbances and protests on the streets in future, if my army shoots, it will not fire into the air just to scare you, but it exactly hits you.”

This is a ruling-policy of former dictator Ne Win declared to the people by looking straight at the TV cameras when he retired from politics in 1988. Although neo-military-dictator General Than Shwe and his followers kicked their former lord Ne Win completely out, they fully adapted Ne Win’s policy of killing people in any uprising against them.

However, after 1988 general strikes, despite the suspension of aids by the U. S, the U. K., Japan and Germany, Myanmar people got no response and effective reactions against the regime from international bodies. The United Nations did not take any actions which consequently allowed military regime to repeat violent crushes on its people and massacres.

1.5 Never Ending Story

"To prevent the disintegration of the Union, we, Tatmadaw (military force), inevitably take over the state power", former dictator Ne Win claimed in 1962.

"To save the country from the risk of falling into the abyss, we, Tatmadaw, inevitably controlled the state power as a historically-given-duty", dictators Gen. Saw Mg and Senior General Than Shwe claimed in 1988 when they seized the state power from former dictator Ne Win.

These are the claims military juntas used to be taken power. Every time they seized the state power, their one-way solution is either massacres or bloodsheds.

They never hesitate to kill their own people, but always hesitate to sit together in a peace table for a wisely dialogue to build the true national unity. Surest is that once they tasted the power, they will never give it up and attempt to hold it till the last minutes of their life in all means.

Military regime is not a legal government selected by its people. They dishonored the outcome of 1990 election organized by the junta themselves. They break their promise themselves to return the state power to the public once they successfully completed their duty of organizing the 1990 election.

Until after 19 years, thousands of people are still protesting against them and demanding the military junta to return to the barracks.

“We deserved democracy, human rights, freedom and justice” people peacefully demanded.

“May all beings getting well, happy and free from all sorts of dangers, worries and poverties” monks peacefully expressed their desire by chanting and praying on the streets.

In return, “You all are destructive elements. Go home, shut up your mouths. Or we fire!”, Buddhist monks and people received junta’s inhuman threats followed by open fire to the protestors on the streets. This is 45 years-long story repeatedly happened in our home.

In result, people are running for their life-and-death and shouting back to the security force - “ Military technology given by our Bo Gyoke (General Aung Sun) is not to kill us!”

Why the military junta gaining from strength to strength within 19 years?

Why their relatives getting richer and richer while we all, Myanmars, suffered from poverty, lack of standard education and health in a resource-rich country?

How can they, military regime, brutally abuse its people?
Is our affair really internal, or regional or global issue?
Who are supporting the survival of such abusive government for what sake?

Mg Yin

(to be continued PART II and III…………)



Firsthand accounts reveal terror of the crackdown in Myanmar

15 October 2007

By Seth Mydans
Published: October 14, 2007

BANGKOK: The world saw them flooding the streets in Myanmar in September, Burmese citizens emboldened by tens of thousands of red-robed monks to cast aside the fear that had held them down for two decades. For a few buoyant days, the streets of Yangon, the main city, belonged to them, and they were free.

But few outsiders have heard their individual voices. The ruling junta crushed the protests at the end of the month, and since then has carried out a campaign of nighttime arrests, cleansing monasteries and neighborhoods of people they say rose up against them. The fear has returned, people say, and is sharper than before.

I saw people in the street just beaten up for no reason - just walking along the road, not even part of the protests. There was this young boy, he was alone and not shouting with the crowd or clapping.This captain came up to him, just started beating him and the boy fell on the street. Then the police pushed him into one of those trucks that were lined up to take demonstrators.

As they pushed him, he fell again. Then the police took out a big stick and gave him a huge blow on the back. After that, the captain told everyone in the street that they had 10 minutes to clear off.

People were running for their lives. The vendors started to grab their things. There was one lady selling fritters and she had a big vat of hot oil - she had to walk with this oil and they came after her and beat her to make her move faster. I saw two boys at that moment walking up with cellphones. The captain grabbed the boys, took their cellphones and pushed them into the truck.

Someone who was with me at a previous job lost her son in these protests. He might have been on his way home, but we don't know. This mother had a friend in the army and she asked him for help. He told her to stay home and - no questions. The son, her only child, is still missing.

A young man described how the junta has clamped down on social exchange, destroying trust among people:
There is no more connection between people. It's been broken. In our own neighborhood, the security groups will arrest anyone who is heard talking about these events. Even at tea shops, we can't talk about these things. These thugs will remember who you are and come to arrest you later. We can only talk to people we know on the street and never to strangers now. No one says anything at the market and everything has to be in secret. The bars have emptied out, both because no one has any more money and what fun is it to get drunk when you can't talk?

Even now we don't dare take our transistor radios to listen to foreign broadcasts outside. Just in the last few days, we have been threatened with arrest by local authorities for doing this in our ward. Anyone with a cellphone or camera will have it confiscated.

This is not the end. This is just a stopping point and we are not satisfied. We don't know the future but we will keep our anger burning inside.

A teacher talked about the pain of seeing Buddhism desecrated and the fear of the military that spread among the monks:
It is almost coming on 50 years that we have clung to our culture by tolerating this military government. But something we revered was insulted.
I cannot continue to tolerate this. We only hope that bad karma will fall upon them but there's nothing else we can do now.

I know dozens of monks. One monk is very old. He is 78. It never occurred to him that in his lifetime he would have to hide. The day after the shootings started, I went to this monastery and the faces that I saw on those monks was something I had never seen. It is not fear. It was a sadness so unbelievable.

Now the young monks that I talked to - who weren't rounded up - they want to disrobe. They don't have the moral courage to go on.
"Better to be a layman," they said.

I told them that this would be a terrible loss for our Buddhism.
"No," they say. "What's the use of meditation? The power of meditation can't stop them from beating us."

The worst thing now is that no amount of persuasion from the abbots will stop the young monks from disrobing.

An abbot of a monastery where hundreds of children are taught said three-quarters of the monks had fled:

How difficult this is. They ran away for their security. We have students studying English but our English-teaching monks have left us. We are very unhappy now. I would like to invite guests to see this, but I am afraid.

A teacher who organizes the curriculum for the monks added:
When the soldiers raided the monastery, they came into the school and tore down pictures of some tourists with whom the monks had been practicing English at Shwedagon Pagoda. The soldiers would circle the monastery at night to see if these monks would come back so they could be arrested.

A businessman whose company lost an enormous amount of business during the upheaval lamented Myanmar's isolation:
I joined the peaceful demonstrations to show my support. I would do it again. I don't agree with sanctions on Myanmar. Of course, I may be biased because I'm a businessman. My own experience of traveling to other countries opened my mind and changed my life. I loved the freedom I found in the United States. It was something I had never experienced. If I hadn't spent time abroad, I would have ended up as a military man. Or else I could have been an informer exposing the conversation we're having right now.



The International Consequences of Military Rule in Myanmar

By Christopher Roberts – PhD Candidate, UNSW@ADFA

The killing of protestors, journalists, and monks in recent weeks by Myanmar’s armed forces has generated some of the strongest diplomatic responses yet from prominent countries in both Asia and the West. Already, Edward McMillen-Scott, vice-president of the European Parliament, has suggested threatening a boycott of the Beijing Olympics in an attempt to push China, a key military and economic partner of Myanmar, towards applying real pressure for political change. Because of recent events, prominent Western powers and organisations – such as the European Union – are likely to hold Myanmar’s strategic partners to higher standards of accountability. However, should the international community fail to get the leaders of the junta to relinquish their power in the near future, the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) in charge of Myanmar is likely to enter into a new phase of heightened international isolation and condemnation. A consequence of the likely withdrawal of Myanmar’s leaders from any attempt to engage with the broader international community will be a government that is likely to become more paranoid, less responsible, and highly desperate in their bid to maintain power and personal wealth. However, and as will be discussed below, recent trends regarding the proliferation of transnational crime suggest that Myanmar’s leadership had heading down this path well before Myanmar’s monks marched down the streets of Yangon.


Myanmar Rejects UN Call for Negotiations

Copied from Associated Press

13 Oct 2007

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — Myanmar's military junta rejected a U.N. statement calling for negotiations with the opposition, insisting Friday that it would follow its own plan to bring democracy to the country.

The impoverished country's main opposition party, however, urged the ruling generals to comply with U.N. demands for negotiations with pro-democracy forces and ethnic minorities, and the release of political prisoners.


Saving Burma the Right Way

14 October 2007

Creating a viable democracy requires a long-term global commitment than doesn't include 'regime change.'

By Thant Myint-U
October 14, 2007


I was 8 when I experienced my first protests in Burma. It was 1974, and thousands of students and Buddhist monks had taken to the streets, angered by the military government's handling of burial arrangements for my grandfather, U Thant, the former United Nations secretary-general.


Tribute to 88-generation student leader, Min Ko Naing

One of the most prominent student leaders in Myanmar, Min Ko Naing, was among those who were arrested on 22 August 2007 when the Myanmar junta tried to clamp down the protests against soaring fuel prices and falling living standards.

''If we want to enjoy the same rights as people in other countries, we have to be disciplined, united and brave enough to stand up to the dictators. Let's express our sufferings and demands. Nothing is going to stop us from achieving peace and justice in our country....Our noble desires must be brought forth through peaceful means.''
Excerpts from Min Ko Naing's speeches, 1988

Paw U Tun alias Min Ko Naing, Chairman of the All Burma Federation of Student Unions (ABFSU), was arrested on 24 March 1989. He was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment (later commuted to 10 years under a general amnesty) for his anti-government activities. The ABFSU was formed on 28 August 1988, at the height of the mass civil disobedience campaign against 26 years of one-party military rule in Myanmar. At the founding rally of the ABFSU, Min Ko Naing called on students throughout the country to struggle peacefully against military rule and for democracy and freedom of association. The ABFSU and Buddhist monks went on to lead non-violent anti-government protests.

Paw U Tun launched his 1988 appeal for peaceful political action in the name of ''Min Ko Naing'', a pseudonym he and at least 18 other students had adopted earlier to sign posters and leaflets criticizing military rule. It means ''Conqueror of Kings''.

In 1988 civil unrest erupted in Myanmar (then called Burma), after the demonetization of much of the Burmese currency in 1987 by the military government of General Ne Win. The same year Myanmar was accorded Least Developed Nation status by the UN -- a resource-rich country had became one of the world's poorest. In protest at government mismanagement of the economy, students in Yangon, the capital, began demonstrations in March 1988. Min Ko Naing soon emerged as a leader, encouraging people to use peaceful means to express their frustration.

Min Ko Naing's interest in politics began at Yangon University in the mid-1980's where he studied Zoology. Student Unions at that time, as now, were illegal; however he and other students formed secret study groups in anticipation of protests against the worsening economic conditions in Myanmar. According to people who knew him, Min Ko Naing was a member of a performance troupe which took part in the traditional Than Gyat competition during the annual Water Festival (Thingyan); his troupe was called "Goat-Mouth and Spirit-Eye" and apparently performed satirical plays and sketches about Myanmar's government and the lack of democracy and freedom.

In September 1988 after violently suppressing demonstrations and killing hundreds of people, the military reasserted power and formed a new government, called the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC). Martial law decrees were issued, including a ban on any criticism of the military and of any public gathering of more than five people. At the same time the SLORC announced that political parties could be formed and that elections would take place in May 1990. Dozens of political parties were founded, including the National League for Democracy (NLD, led by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi).

In March 1989, the Myanmar Government began to issue warnings against possible memorial gatherings by students and others to mark the first anniversaries of the deaths of student demonstrators during the initial waves of civil unrest in March 1988. At a 24 March 1989 press conference a SLORC spokesperson said that the ABFSU and two other student union organizations were ''illegal organizations'' because they had refused to register with the authorities. The spokesperson went on to say:
''Min Ko Naing, alias Paw U Tun, chairman of the illegal ABFSU, has been arrested...because he and his associates instigated disturbances to the detriment of law and order, peace and tranquillity. At the same time, it had been ascertained that they have been carrying out organizational work and giving speeches...Furthermore, Min Ko Naing has been found to have repeatedly violated Order No 2/88 [forbidding gatherings of more than five people]...Action will be taken against him according to the law.''

The spokesperson stated that another reason for his arrest was that they had learnt that ''Min Ko Naing and his associates have been carrying out activities and plans to disturb and undermine the holding of Armed Forces Day'', an official event held annually on 27 March.

According to unofficial sources, before his arrest some of his fellow student leaders had tried to convince Min Ko Naing that he should leave Yangon and seek sanctuary with the All Burma Student Democratic Front (ABSDF) on the Thai border. The ABSDF coordinates armed activities against the regime by anti-government students. Min Ko Naing reportedly refused to join the ABSDF, saying that he would rather continue ABFSU activities such as distributing leaflets and organizing demonstrations than join the armed struggle. Other allegations made by the SLORC against him claim that he and other ABFSU leaders were ''recruited'' by the communist insurgent underground early in 1988. However, the stated position of Min Ko Naing and other leaders has been to pursue a course of political organization and demonstrations.

The Myanmar authorities have arrested hundreds of students for their political opposition activities. Although thousands of young activists fled to neighbouring countries after the military reasserted power in September 1988, others continued their struggle inside the country. Most recently students staged demonstrations in December 1996 when scores of them were arrested. In the runup to the 10th anniversary of the 1988 pro-democracy movement, scores of young activists were arrested in mid-1998. Arrests of students and other young people have continued into 2000 in pre-emptive moves by the authorities - now known as the State Peace and Development Council - to eradicate any opposition to their rule.

Min Ko Naing was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment under Section 5(j) of the 1950 Emergency Provisions Act, vaguely-worded legislation which is frequently used to imprison political prisoners. His sentence was commuted to 10 years under a general amnesty in January 1993. Amnesty International believes that Min Ko Naing is a prisoner of conscience detained solely for his leadership of a student movement without having used or advocated violence. He should be released immediately and unconditionally.

Min Ko Naing was awarded the John Humphrey Freedom Award in Canada on 10 December 1999, which is Human Rights Day, the day which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN in 1948. In a videotaped message which was smuggled out of Myanmar, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi made these comments about Min Ko Naing:
''[Min Ko Naing] is one of the student leaders who started the 1988 movement for democracy, and he has stood firm against all pressure from the authorities...[he] represents many others who are suffering from the injustices of the present military regime. That the prize has been awarded to him gives us all great hope, great pride, and great pleasure, because it shows that the world has not forgotten our cause....''.

His treatment in prison

Min Ko Naing was severely tortured and ill-treated during the early stages of his detention and his health suffered as a consequence. During his interrogation he was reportedly forced to stand in water for two weeks until he collapsed, and as a result, his left foot became totally numb. Such treatment is not uncommon. Political prisoners in Myanmar routinely face torture during the initial phases of detention when they are often interrogated for hours or even days at a time by rotating teams of Military Intelligence (MI) personnel. They are also vulnerable to torture and ill-treatment after sentencing, when they can be punished for breaking arbitrary prison rules such as possessing writing paper. In addition conditions in most prisons are harsh, due to lack of adequate food, water, sanitation, and medical care.

Torture and ill-treatment have become institutionalized in Myanmar. Patterns of torture have remained the same, although the time and place vary. Torture occurs throughout the country and has been reported for over four decades. Members of the security forces continue to use torture as a means of extracting information; to punish political prisoners and members of ethnic minorities; and as a means of instilling fear in anyone critical of the military government.

For most of his imprisonment Min Ko Naing has been held in complete solitary confinement. In 1993 he was visited in Insein Prison, Myanmar's main detention facility, by a United States Congressman. He was said to be in poor health and appeared disoriented. In November 1994 the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Myanmar was also allowed to visit him briefly in prison, and described him as being nervous and thin. Subsequent reports on his health stated that, although it improved, he suffers from a nervous tremor and may have suffered emotionally as a result of his ill-treatment and prolonged solitary confinement. He is believed to suffer from a gastric ulcer.