International Campaign for Food and Freedoms of Burmese People

30 May 2008

Burmese democratic forces and friends of Burma around the world, calling for an immediate international intervention for food and freedoms in Burma

May 29, 2008

Burmese democratic organizations – along with Burma campaign groups – around the world are calling for an immediate international intervention in Burma, reminding the international community that this is the time to bring a change in the military-ruled country.

And they call for formation of a “coalition of the willing” among like-minded counties such as U.S., U.K., French, Canada, and Australia, in order to advance a collective interest in ensuring safe and unhindered humanitarian access, as well as for promotion and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms for Burmese people.

They strongly criticize the United Nations and Association of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN) for their repeated failure to live up to the international community’s expectation in providing food and freedoms for Burmese people, and for falling into trap the Burmese military junta set.


Helpless and Stranded

27 May 2008

[Source - Irrawaddy]

The look on Lei Lei’s face is one of hopelessness.

She takes no notice of the school uniform that a private donor had left for her. Instead, the 12-year-old girl stares ahead at the vehicles passing back and forth along the highway. On her back, her sick sister coughs relentlessly.

Every time a car passes by, Lei Lei raises her hand and shouts, “Please give us some food!”


UN, Please stay away from Burma

26 May 2008

UN and ASEAN deterred all possible means of genuine relief and aid efforts. In the same time, they aborted hopes of million of Burmese people.

let ASEAN be stupid as usual. They are just the breeds of monarch with modern dress.

What's the UN stand for?
Even UNDP staffs from Yangon were suspected to hiding the letters from volunteer groups, which reported the testimonies of real cyclone victims.


What else is there apart from "messages of hope"?

25 May 2008

I refer to the commentaries "Don't hold your breath" by Yeni and "Save the people; Don't protect Generals" by Kyaw Zwa Moe.

Though the news of the junta agreeing to allow "all aid workers" to enter Burma is very encouraging, having seen the kind of deceit and lies that the junta is capable of, I feel reluctant to put faith into such promise from them. If the junta had genuinely wanted to allow "all aid workers" to enter Burma, the implementation would have been swift and immediate as the aid workers have been on standby for the past few weeks waiting for the green light from the junta. However, a day has passed without any visible improvement.


Process of distributing aid materials to the Nagis Victims


Shwe Sea Sar (Yangon)

The victims of the cyclone Nargis in the delta region, Lower Burma are facing problems of lack of food, water, shelter and clothing. They do not receive aid materials sufficiently. Neither do they get treatment for cyclone-borne injury. Also they are suffering from disease relevant to contaminated water resulted from delaying of removing and destruction of the human corpses and dead animals.


Rotten general must be brought to justice for crime against humanity

Mike Carlton
May 24, 2008
Source : The Sydney Moring Herald

If hell exists, there ought to be an especially fiery corner set aside for Senior General Than Shwe, the pudding-faced thug who heads the junta which controls Burma, or Myanmar as he would like us call his wretched country.

You might have seen him on television this week, ostentatiously dispensing neatly wrapped gift boxes to grateful victims of the cyclone that left who knows how many Burmese dead, injured and homeless. It was a grisly propaganda charade. Sleek in elevated heels and a tailored uniform encrusted with enough medals to embarrass even an old-style Soviet marshal, smiling like an alligator, he posed as the bountiful father of the nation.

The reality is rather different. The medals, we can safely assume, were won waging war on his own people. Than Shwe is a mass murderer. The regime's paranoid refusal to accept vital foreign relief for Burma is a crime against humanity on an epic scale.

To read full article: Click Here


The Cyclone Story ( Local witness)

22 May 2008

( source)

Actually I havn't seen much at Bogalay as the Thidagu monestry is located at the entrance of Bogalay.But it's not on the main road that we have to go about 15min towards the river.The monestry is built on the bank of the river that they distribute all the materials with boats to the affected villages that cannot be reached by cars.


Permit to mourn

Thursday, 22 May 2008
Aung Naing Moe
( source)

THE TAXI, carrying the four of us, had just turned into St. Martin's Drive when the three plain-clothes police officers tried to flag it down. It was almost 6:50pm on Saturday, 17 May 2008."Don't stop," shouted by the four of us almost simultaneously. I was sitting in the front passenger’s seat while my wife Han Thu Lwin, Myo Myint Maung and another Burmese friend were in the back seat, all of us holding flowers in our hands.


DVB - Interview with survivors

20 May 2008

The Perfect Storm

17 May 2008

By Aung Zaw
[Source - Irrawaddy]

A friend of mine in Rangoon called me this morning. “It’s depressing and upsetting—people in the delta region are desperately scavenging for food and aid,” he said, having just returned from a charity mission to the devastated area.

But he added: “The survivors are coping as best they can. They are very resilient and are putting their own lives back together. They haven’t lost their dignity.”

I was relieved to know that in spite of all the heartbreaking reports and horrific images coming out of Burma, the only one who had lost his dignity was Snr-Gen Than Shwe.


‘Humanitarian heroes’ reach out to fellow cyclone victims

16 May 2008

[Source -]

YANGON, Myanmar - From shopkeepers handing out free rice porridge to medical students caring for the sick, ordinary people in Myanmar are stepping in to help cyclone victims as the military regime severely restricts international aid.

Taxi drivers, factory owners, college students, teachers and other Yangon residents - many of whom lost their own homes - are among those organizing grueling trips into the Irrawaddy delta, the hardest-hit region.


Contacts to Help Cyclone Victims

(click to enlarge)


Generals whose power near absolute

15 May 2008

National Post
Published: Thursday, May 15, 2008

Burma's secretive military junta is the inheritor of rule by the armed forces, which has predominated since 1962 when General Ne Win led a coup d'etat. He was replaced by the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC). In 1989, SLORC declared martial law but allowed free elections in 1990 for the first time in almost 30 years. It reverted quickly to type, annulling the results that would have brought the National League for Democracy of Aung San Suu Kyi to power. In 1992 SLORC was replaced by the State Peace and Development Council in which three men wield almost absolute power.


Time for Humanitarian Intervention

Myanmar military rulers do not hesitate to sacrifice its citizens over their iron-fist policy against US. Even the offer of US President, Bush, to help the people of Myanmar using US navy ships deployed near Thailand was left unanswered. It is out of question that generals in Myanmar are currently living in fear and dilemma. Their confusion and delay over the interest of victims from Cyclone hit areas might further lead to unnecessary death in Myanmar already happening humanitarian crisis. While Foreign aids workers are still waiting to get their visas to reach out to victims, the dying crowds in need of food, water, medicine and shelter are also desperately longing for the International aid. Sorry to the victims. The Junta is blocking their way.

In Myanmar newspaper, government mouthpiece media, it was clearly stated only foreign aids will be allowed and not the foreign aids workers. The helping nations might wonder how the Junta would honestly and effectively hang over the aids to their people. It is still a big question mark following the red tape and mismanagement by Myanmar government. It is the government that turned once a prosperous nation into one of the poorest countries in the world with many people living under poverty line. Again, they are now committing a biggest crime in history by not letting in the International aids workers to help the victims from cyclone-hit devastated areas.


Swept away by sorrow

14 May 2008

Cyclone Nargis is reported to have swept away more than 100,000 people. Its survivors are on the verge of "being swept away" by yet another kind of "cyclone" that has been looming in their lives: the "waves of inhumanity" by the junta.

Day after day, such "waves of inhumanity" by the junta have built up one after another, silencing us with utter disbelief at the possibility of them ever happening. It all started with the junta failing to inform the people about the imminent danger that the cyclone could bring. Neither did they carry out any emergency plan to cushion the impact of the cyclone.


Are the generals still indifferent?

[Source - Bangkok Post]

Whenever Burma faces a political or humanitarian crisis, Burmese and foreign observers monitor the reclusive military leaders from a distance, trying to gauge their reactions, guessing what shapes their decisions and where possible conflicts within the leadership lie. The question Burma watchers are quietly asking this time is: has the cyclone managed to instil fear in strongman Senior General Than Shwe and his hard-core military cronies? Are they trembling or are they standing firm?


Support Volunteer Groups

13 May 2008

A week passed already after Cyclone Nagis in Burma. But aids and relief agency forecast that less than 30 % of victims were reachable and less than 10 % of foods and aids have been distributed. And the rest of the world is still waiting in the gate to donate money and stuffs.


Myanmar needs more than good ideas

First published: Tuesday, May 13, 2008
[Source -]

When a parent abuses or neglects a child, government steps in to offer protection. But who steps in when government abuses or neglects its people?

Nearly three years ago, the United Nations announced an answer to that question: It would.


Is it time to invade Burma?

11 May 2008

Is it time to invade Burma?

Referring this article from Time magazine, we clearly answer this question that YES, Please invade Burma. Invasion is nothing good for one country. No countrymen even think about to be invaded their territory by others.


Rumours in Naypyidaw

Source: Ko Moe Thee

Rumours are rife in Naypyidaw that US armed forces are going to bomb the administrative capital.


My friends are starving, says a survivor

Source: Mizzima

Days after Cyclone Nargis destroyed the Irrawady Delta, aid has yet to arrive in the most devastated regions.

One survivor from Laputta township told Mizzima, "My friends have nothing to eat or drink. They're starving." Laputta is situated at the mouth of Bay of Bengal.


Collection of interviews/ experiences of Cyclone survivors - Translated from Burmese

10 May 2008

(Translated by Burmese M. Python - BBWOB)

Mizzima reporter interviewed three surviving victims, Ma Eh Lay, Ko Khin Maung and an anonymous person. Here are some snippets.

Ma Eh Lay (12 years) said that she has walked ten miles to Laputta for about 5 days. Both of her parents were dead. She was hung on a tree when she became conscious. She saw a lot of dead bodies on her way to Laputta. She couldn’t even remember her own village because of the flood. The food was scare on the way. She had to eat coconut and drink its juice. When people cooked rice, they had to use coconut juice. The rice was also wet. She felt very sad because her family members were dead.


Translated News for the day - 10 May

(Translated by May - BBWOB)

Updated Figures - 10 May
Source: Mizzima News

Death toll released by an international agency:
Meanwhile, junta gave much lower estimates:



Are you also going to kill Cyclone victims ?

UN secretary Ban Ki Moon warned again and again to Burma Regime. We heard that he tried to call directly to Burmese notorious General Than Shwe.

Then what ..



Photo from LA Times: the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis

LA Times said: MAKING DO: Using basic hand tools, two men in Yangon, like many Myanmar residents, are performing much of the cleanup work themselves for lack of foreign or domestic assistance.


Hope is a floating corpse

By Ko Hmway

Rotten dead bodies are floating under the sun, ears and hands of some dead bodies were cut off and still lying on the wet ground and no one is going to cerement or bury those. I wonder, their souls, weak and helpless in uncertainty, might be wondering in search of God.

At this very moment, hundreds of thousands of people with empty-stomachs are suffering from fever, diarrhea and various diseases and for those ill-fated fellow countrymen of mine, who once had human dignity, they have been reduced to the states of having no proper place to sleep, having no food to eat and having no hope to pray, but having just a roof called saddening sky hovers above them.


Care2: Help the Burmese People Receive Aid in Cyclone Aftermath

09 May 2008

Sign the petition here

The crisis in Myanmar is growing, and we need your voice today to help get international aid to the Burmese people. Please sign our petition today, and then ask your friends to do the same.


Hungry Survivors

I talked to a friend from Burma on gtalk this morning. He said he was fine, but people in his neighborhood were going hungry. He lives in Shwe Pyi Thar township, a poor suburb north of Rangoon.

Mizzima confirmed that some survivors are going hungry with the following news report.

Hungry survivors scare off aid workers

Several aid workers, who went down to Burma's cyclone-devastated Irrawaddy Delta to conduct a needs assessment survey, were forced to flee after they were surrounded by villagers who might have been seeking food, an aid worker said.


Myaung Mya Helps Cyclone Victims

Source: Democratic Voice of Burma

Myaung Mya, though in the path of Cyclone Nargis, was not badly affected. The town is currently providing food and shelter to about 15,000 cyclone victims from Labutta. Schools in the town have been converted into temporary shelters for the victims.

For the original article in Burmese, please click here.

Will SPDC show their courage for the sake of people?

08 May 2008

By Yebaw Nyein
Translated by Burmese Bloggers w/o Borders

[Source in Burmese - komoethee blog]

SPDC does not dare to accept the help from the international community and US for the victims of Nargis cyclone.

SPDC is being a coward by doing that. Moreover, there seems to be some other underlying reasons as to why SPDC dares not accept the offer of help from George W. Bush.




Than Shwe and SPDC insulted and spat on US president Gorge W. Bush’s face and challenged the whole United States and its sympathy by denying US ‘s humanitarian offer for the victims. Apparently, over 600,000 human lives have been wasted by deadly typhoon and the lives of survivors are still at stake.

Will the US president George W. Bush ignore Than Shwe’s bitter insult and just wipe off the spit on his face and walk away or else ?

by Ko Hmway