Will SPDC show their courage for the sake of people?

08 May 2008

By Yebaw Nyein
Translated by Burmese Bloggers w/o Borders

[Source in Burmese - komoethee blog]

SPDC does not dare to accept the help from the international community and US for the victims of Nargis cyclone.

SPDC is being a coward by doing that. Moreover, there seems to be some other underlying reasons as to why SPDC dares not accept the offer of help from George W. Bush.

If they accepted help from US, the US military would send its troops to carry out rescue missions in Burma. And the timing for all these actions would coincide with the voting of referendum.

If the Burmese people were to feel a glimmer of hope in the presence of the US military in Burma, SPDC feared that the people would become daring enough to protest against the repressions. If such were to happen, SPDC definitely would be cornered by the people as well as by the presence of US military in Burma. They would no longer be able to carry out their brutal acts of suppressions against the people. As such, their control over Burma would be shaken. Knowing this, SPDC hesitates to allow US to enter Burma to provide humanitarian aid to the victims.

Even after Burma has been hit badly by Cyclone Nargis, which happens to be on the scale of worst natural disaster in South-East since four years ago, SPDC seems to be taking things lightly and keeps on putting their emphasis on persuading the people to vote for them in the referendum.

On the other hand, SPDC is also making use of the people’s sympathy for the victims to divert their attention from SPDC’s underhand means of getting votes in the upcoming referendum. Hence, we, Burmese people, should also be aware of such SPDC’s attempts to manipulate the current situations for innocent victims in Burma to their advantage.

This is simply my two cents’ worth of analysis. I am sure that SPDC and its followers would have done a much more thorough planning on this.

Lastly, I would like to ask and urge SPDC with the following:

If you are not cowards who wear the military uniforms just for show, you should also dare to accept the help from the international community and US.