From the Irrawaddy:
China and Russia—the two permanent members of the UN Security Council that regularly veto resolutions on Burma—on Wednesday blocked a French move to initiate a discussion on the current humanitarian crisis in Burma following the devastating cyclone last week that killed tens of thousands of people.
On Wednesday morning, Ripert [the French ambassador to the UN] requested a meeting of the Security Council on the subject of Burma and a briefing on the issue from John Holmes, the Emergency Relief Coordinator of the United Nations and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs.
The French ambassador wants the security council to have a briefing from Holmes because the Burmese government hasn't issued visas for many relief workers who are waiting in Bangkok in neighboring Thailand.
As always, China and Russia vetoed the move. Shame on them!
If you have a choice, please do not buy Chinese products. The Chinese leaders like to dance with wolves and their businesses would do anything to gain profits.
‘We are being Prevented from Talking about Burma at UNSC’: French Ambassador
08 May 2008 Posted by Burmese M. Python at 7:12 PM Labels: Essays
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